Welcome to
Fifth Grade
Ms. Jodi Carlisi
Mr. Lyle Galante
Mr. Mark Giuliano

Welcome to
Fifth Grade
Ms. Jodi Carlisi
Mr. Lyle Galante
Mr. Mark Giuliano

Joseph Neal Academy
Office Hours: 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
School Hours: 8:55 AM - 3:11 PM
Gates Open: 8:40 AM (Breakfast Served)
6651 W. Azure Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89130-1415
(702) 799-2200 Fax: (702) 799-4576

Mustang Mission Statement
The Joseph Neal STEAM Academy seeks to provide an enriching learning environment where students are immersed in an inquiry-based, authentic STEAM curriculum that challenges their 21st century critical thinking and problem solving skills. We provide each student at Joseph Neal STEAM Academy with interdisciplinary opportunities in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics. With the support of our families, community experts, and cultural institutions, Joseph Neal will foster a safe and secure atmosphere that embraces curiosity, ingenuity, responsibility, and endurance.
Mustang Mottos
Neal Motto
Good, Better, Best
Never let it rest
Til the good gets better
And the better gets best.
Power Oath
I believe in the power of learning
I believe in the power of books
I believe in the power of words
I believe in the power of practice
I believe in the power of community
I believe in the power of respect
I believe I can excel in school
I believe I have the power.
Power Pledge
I believe in myself and my ability to do my best at all times
I will act in such a way that I will be proud of myself and others will be proud of me, too.
I will not waste this day because this day will not come again.
Neal Effort Statement
Why are we here?
What will it take?
What will you give?
Power Statement
P is for pride
O is for opportunity
W is for willingness
E is for effort
R is for responsibility
Power Through Learning
Discipline Philosophy
The essence of good discipline is respect-respect for authority, respect for others, respect for self, and respect for rules. It's an attitude which begins at home, is reinforced at school, and applied throughout life.
a Mighty Mustang Is...
Always busy
Working hard
And believe in teamwork